When something excites your Body and Brain you begin to Think, Feel, and Act
You need people and experiences to learn how to adapt and cope with the world around you. According to research by Nobel Prize recipients, Eric Kandel and Elizabeth Gould, new synaptic connections in the brain are lost due to prolonged stress and can regenerate over time. Thousands of experiences occur from birth to around age 2 ½ years old. The longer a certain physical reaction is experienced the deeper it is in the brain system so you can react again the same way without so much thinking. This saves energy. But the reaction isn’t stuck there forever. Research over the past fifteen years shows that the brain remains flexible and can change at any age not just during childhood and adolescence. Your brain is like a clay sculpture that can continue to be molded and change.
What do I do to be ELASTIC, absorbent, and fast?
New experiences can provide ‘turning- point’ effects.
However, each experience alone is not enough – you also need the Meaning of the experience as the key to how you react under stress.
Learned response:
Same Response in the present:
When THIS happens – Do THAT.
The brain is a fast, super absorbent, mechanism that can grab and hold on to information.Other times it may let the same information slip away.
Today you can separate out this from that.
New response:
When THIS happens =
STOP – face the fear, confusion or uncertainty and make time for something new to happen between the first response and the usual reaction.